Meeting with Teachers Online | Satsang with Swami Dharma Sumiran

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Questions & Answers

Sunday, Nov 17th | Live on YouTube or Zoom

We are delighted to announce that our upcoming broadcast, 'Meeting with Teachers,' will welcome the spiritual master Swami Dharma Sumiran from Russia.

Sumiran is a Russian mystic and a realised master of the modern Advaita Vedanta whose root Master is Osho.

In the past, he has deeply impressed participants with his profound wisdom and simplicity, whether at the Advaita Congress in Vienna in 2019, or during the Dharma Talk Online in 2023, organised by the OM Foundation Inner Science. His brilliant intellect and the piercing clarity with which he conveys the complexities of being are remarkable. His quiet presence brings peace to the mind and allows it to sink into its own depths.

We deeply value the opportunity to connect with such a master again and hope to meet him in person soon, when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine allows.

You are invited to take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet Sumiran in this Satsang and ask questions and share your thoughts in dialogue with the master via Zoom.



In our YouTube live programme Meeting with Teachers Online we will regularly invite teachers and students of different spiritual traditions to talk to us about the path they represent and live. You will receive lively insights into the different paths of the masters, either from them directly or from the perspective of their students, and with that, different approaches to the ONE teaching. In this way you have the opportunity to deepen your own experience and expand your understanding of Dharma.

With this format, the OM Foundation Inner Science aims to create an uncomplicated and internationally accessible opportunity for participation and exchange. You can follow the talks live on our YouTube channel or participate interactively via Zoom to ask questions and get involved yourself.

You can watch the last broadcast HERE

Participation is free, but donations are welcome.

Donation is possible by PayPal or credit card.
Use this PayPal link for your donation 

Bank account:
OM-Stiftung Innere Wissenschaft
Sparkasse HASPA
IBAN DE 39 2005 0550 1501 8442 19
Reason for payment: Donation on the occasion of Meeting with Teachers

The times are chosen such that people from different time zones can take part: 7 pm CET | 10 am PDT | 9 pm Moscow.

Watch on YouTube                                                      

Register at Zoom   

(You will be directed to the website of the OM Foundation Inner Science)

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