The Enneagram of character fixations is an extremely efficient tool, laying out the unconscious structures of the mind before us, like the map of an inner landscape.
It offers a precise description of nine different character types or ego structures, which mirror not only our personality but also our true nature. In each of the nine types, the nine essential qualities, which represent the hidden potential for development, are present.
Each person has developed an ego structure, which is supposed to protect them from feelings of impotence, fear, and not being loved. It is exactly this defense structure that leads not to happiness, as hoped for, but into suffering. The awareness of thinking patterns and evasive strategies that were developed in childhood, makes it possible for the rigid inner states, the so-called character fixations, to flow again, and allows us to discover the true potential of our natural being.
In this sense, the Enneagram of character fixations represents an essential instrument of Inner Work at Gut Saunstorf and is being applied here by teachers of the Enneallionce and by therapists.
The modern lineage begins with Gurdjieff, who brought the Enneagram to the West. Oscar Ichazo, a Bolivian psychotherapist, put the character types into the currently known sequence. He was the first to define the relationship between Being and personality. Claudio Naranjo, a Chilean psychiatrist, gave the detailed psychological profile to the character types. Other authors who had helped to spread the Enneagram in the West, like Don Riso and Helen Palmer, stand in the lineage of Ichazo. In the 70s, A. H. Almaas, Faisal Muqaddam and Sandra Maitri worked with Claudio Naranjo to develop the modern conception on essence, as expressed in the “Diamond Approach”.
Ever since his own training in the early 90s until now, OM C. Parkin has deepened and refined this instrument of Inner Work with students of the path. He passes on his deep insights into the structure of the human mind orally, according to ancient traditional ways.
“The seeing of the character fixation of a person unfolds like a flower in inner silence.”
OM C. Parkin