Diving into 10 Days of Silence and Darshan
This summer the traditional “Silent Love Retreat” with OM C. Parkin will take place at Gut Saunstorf Monastery – Place of Stillness. The retreat gives you something that is very rare and precious these days: an intense time with yourself in silence and inner reflection.
When love is allowed to enter the inner silence, when nothing else is needed but to deepen the contact with yourself, then silence can take hold. A retreat provides a space to respond to the call of inner silence. In the presence of the awakened teacher, you will naturally fall inwards and touch the depths of who you are. The mental forces that cloud the silence are seen with greater clarity, can be expressed and transcended, and thus serve to deepen your awareness and awaken you.
Information on the Programme
Darshan with OM C. Parkin
Darshan is the direct vision of the Divine, an invitation from your innermost being to listen awake and receptive to your heart. You will have the opportunity to share what moves you and to ask questions in Darshan with OM twice a day. OM’s answers will focus your attention on what is essential. They meet you where you are and lead you into the unknown of your true being. Trusting the complete simplicity and presence of yourself is the process into which you are taken.
Meditation in the Dark
During the retreat there will be two special opportunities to experience Darshan with OM in complete darkness. Far away from the visual stimuli of the outside world, you will be able to fall into a deep state of inner concentration and stillness.
Music Darshan
A truely beautiful aspect of this Silent Love Retreat is the musical accompaniment to the Darshans. A powerful highlight will be the evening Music Darshan, which is dedicated to support the energetic processes of these days.
Karma Yoga
A traditional part of the Silent Love Retreat is the meditative work of Karma Yoga. All those attending spend one hour a day working in the kitchen, house and garden, serving the whole and their own inner process.
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